I am part of the Chibitronics Design Team 2019
Hi, everyone! I’m Yukiko Inami. My nickname is Nicorin. I live in Boston now and lived in Japan originally. I have three daughters and a husband. I have loved crafts, stationery goods and writing letters to friends since I was little. I started card making about 8 years ago at a volunteer group. It’s the best combination of my favorite things!! After that, I focused on it. Card making has brought many new friends and the Instagram world to me.
Fortunately, I met Eiko through Instagram before she became a Chibitronics Design Team member. She is my great teacher of Chibitronics and maybe for you too! And I got into the shining Chibitronics world. I tried to follow Eiko’s works released here and I failed to light up it many times. I fell into pitfalls and got out. It’s my advantage, isn’t it? If you have some experiences that you tried to use Chibitoronics in your project and it didn’t work, we are similar. Now I am so happy to be a member of Chibitronics design team. That’s why, I’ll show you not only my beautiful work but also examples from my failed experiences. I hope you'll enjoy it!
My first card is "Robo-dog card". I got this adorable stamp and die set at the booth of Heffy Doodle in Creativation. I thought, "Wow! Lesly might to make this stamp set for glowing!" So I chose this stamp set. I used LED Circuit Sticker and Chibichip. Chibichip has micro IC chip premounted Love to code. You can upload your own code to the chip. So that you can make your special glowing pattern as you like. I show you below two movie. I wrote two codes and I could replace them easily! I love to make a stories in my cards, so that it is so fun!

To be honest, I was a code-phobia before I met this textbook. But when I bought Love to Code Creative Kit for my kids, I played it with them. So...."Wow! Can I!? I did it!!" I shouted. It was so exciting experience for even me, an adult. This is my second card using Chibi-chip. Horray!! Dou you say in your head "No way! I can't..." ? Don't be scared! There is very kind and nice instruction in the Chibitronics website. Many kids enjoy writing code with Love to Code. Love to Code is written with very kind easy and fun sentences and it has so cute illustrations too. You can choose two kind of way to coding. One is block coding that is easy to see in visual and the other is text coding that is more useful for modification. You can buy or get a free download this great textbook at Chibitronics Website. It's amazing!! I am moved by the company educational spirit.
OK, Is there someone who is interested in Love to Code? I may write how to use it someday, if you like it.
Thank you for stopping by today! I hope to see you again soon!